Sunday, February 1, 2009

Project Management and Web 2.0

SO I have been thinking. Yes I know its not often but I have my moments.

This Web 2.0 business:

* Wikis
* Social Networking
* Twitter

All of this stuff what's it mean to the practice of project management. I mean the extent of web 2.0 to project management IMO has been the leveraging of Sharepoint. The concept of project work spaces and such is hardly news but what is news is that the communication that Web 2.0 starts bringing and taking it to the mainstream means we as project manager can start driving communication by the tools we use.

Does a client need the strict hierarchies of Sharepoint? Are they fluid and flexible that they like some sort of wiki implementation. Do they leverage an artifact tracking system? Web 2.0 provides fast and easy implementations that allow the PM to concentrate on the communication model rather than implementing a tool. I think its pretty cool.

For the record I am following the following tools


Either way its definitely an interesting time to be a PM.

"The PM Matrix" Integrated tith Ning's Social Network Platform

- Optimal Optimus

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